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Annual Subscription (3 issues)

Subscribe to Humanitarian Alternatives for one year, i.e. 3 issues. Our issues are released in March, July and November. Your subscription will begin with the issue to be published after the date of your subscription (for example if you subscribe in April, the first issue you will receive will be that of July). Delivery costs will be included in your basket when finalising your order (18 euros for delivery in France and 30 euros internationally). Please note that you may be asked for proof if you apply the student rate.

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Select your issues *

ukraine gaza

Numéro/Issue 27

Ukraine-Gaza: exchange of views

(27 november 2024)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 26

Humanitarian work today: the state of play

(29 July 2024)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 25

Food crisis: what role for humanitarian actors?

(25 March 2024)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 24

Central America: a forgotten subcontinent?

(27 November 2023)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 23

International humanitarian law: the great step… backwards?

(July 2023)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 22

Mental health: from awareness to action

(March 2023)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 21

India: a humanitarian countermodel?

(Nov 2022)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 20

Associative Freedoms at Risk: the test of strength

(July 2022)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 19

Moving away from childhood as an icon: an ethical and operational requirement

(March 2022)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 18

Migration and nationalisms: what path for NGOs?

(Nov 2021)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 17

Research and humanitarian aid: the challenges of a collaboration

(July 2021)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 16

Gender-based and sexual violence: the current state of the humanitarian sector

(March 2021)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 15

Covid-19 (2): lessons learned and future challenges

(Nov 2020)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 14

Covid-19: impacts in the humanitarian field

(July 2020)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 13

Generations: break point or fresh start?

(March 2020)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 12

Demography: figures and ills

(Nov 2019)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 11

Climate change: understanding, anticipating, adapting

(July 2019)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 10

The urban bomb: which impact for humanitarian workers?

(March 2019)

18,00 €

Numéro/Issue 9

1968-2018: breakdown and continuity

(Nov 2018)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 8

The rise of new technologies: utility, misuse and meaning

(July 2018)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 7

NGOs and the private sector (2): threat or opportunity?

(March 2018)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 6

NGOs and the private sector: threat or opportunity?

(Nov 2017)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 5

Africa: between shadow and light

(July 2017)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 4

Syria: the future in limbo

(March 2017)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 3

Forced migrations: a global challenge

(Nov 2016)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 2

World Humanitarian Summit: questions remaining to be answered

(May 2016)

10,00 €

Numéro/Issue 1

Ebola: the end of the nightmare?

(Feb 2016)

10,00 €


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