In addition to the July and November 2020 issues of Humanitarian Alternatives, both dedicated to the impacts of Covid-19 in the humanitarian field, we have drawn up a reading list of contributions from the social and political sciences, articles from the general press and specialised journals, activity reports, tribunes and reportages related to the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on international aid.
Happy reading!
Last updated: 20/01/2021
Disclaimer: Humanitarian Alternatives cannot be held responsible for the arguments developed in the articles listed below, nor for the non-maintenance of internet links to access their content.
Weekly selection from the International Humanitarian Studies Association
Weekly updates, International Humanitarian Studies Associations (IHSA)
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Since March 2020, IHSA prepares a weekly collection of blog posts that relate to humanitarian crises, and the responses to crisis from people, communities, politicians, and humanitarians. This selection is chosen to reflect the latest thinking on humanitarian crisis, highlighting key issues in migration and displacement, famine and food crisis, politics, human rights, disaster preparedness and response, aid policy and practice, as well as posts and op-eds on the impact of COVID19 on crisis-affected communities and response capacities.
Coronavirus / The New Humanitarian
Regular updates, The New Humanitarian
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Read all of the coverage of the pandemic by The New Humanitarian here.
Mises à jour régulières, IRIS
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Suivez les articles publiés par l’IRIS sur l’épidémie de COVID-19, ainsi que ceux de l’Observatoire (Dés)information & Géopolitique au temps du Covid-19.
Conseils de lecture sur le Covid-19 – partie 4
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L’équipe du Crash a sélectionné des reportages, des articles de vulgarisations scientifiques, des articles de journaux scientifiques, des tribunes ainsi que des contributions issues des sciences sociales sur la crise de la Covid-19. Retrouvez ici la première liste de lecture parue au mois d’avril, la seconde, publiée début mai, puis la troisième, parue en début juillet.
A few learnings from the COVID-19 crisis and its impacts on Information Management practices in the aid sector
20 January 2021, CartONG
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Since April 2020, CartONG has been implementing a project to support the humanitarian sector in adapting its Information Management and Monitoring & Evaluation response to the COVID-19 crisis. Building on this enriching experience, this learning paper aims at providing an analysis of such evolutions, in particular looking at the impact of the crisis on internal information flows and responsibilities within aid NGOs and what the use of new IM tools meant in terms of IM practices. It also reflects on how these evolutions can help improve the quality of information produced by NGOs. CartONG’s perspective was complemented by the perspective of other H2H organizations and operational actors who have agreed to share their experience with us.
The virus that shut down the world: The plight of refugees and migrants
29 December 2020, UN News
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UN News considers the new challenges faced by refugees and migrants during 2020; from a heightened risk of catching the COVID-19 virus in crowded camps, to being stranded due to travel restrictions, and becoming the targets of criminal gangs.
Sous perfusion humanitaire, Gaza s’alarme d’une flambée du Covid-19
28 décembre 2020, Le Monde
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Alors qu’en Israël la campagne de vaccination a commencé, l’enclave palestinienne a peu d’espoir d’obtenir rapidement des vaccins anti-Covid.
COVID-19 outbreak 9-month update (Reporting timeframe: 31 January – 31 October 2020)
16 December 2020, IFRC
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This 9-month report on the Federation-wide response to COVID-19 continues the harmonized and transparent approach to accountability across the global Red Cross Red Crescent network of National Societies together with the IFRC.
How to confront COVID-19’s cost to girls
14 December 2020, The New Humanitarian
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No one comes out of a crisis without being changed in some way, and this pandemic is a crisis on a scale we have rarely seen: It has put years of progress in human development at stake; inequity is at its worst. If we have to prioritise one thing, it should be ensuring that girls don’t go back to despair, teenage motherhood, and premature death. Girls must have the chance to flourish and pursue a bright future in spite of COVID-19.
Avec le Covid-19, Marseille au bord de la crise humanitaire
11 décembre 2020, AFP – Vidéos France
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Covid-19 : une clinique mobile pour prendre soin des « inconfinables » à Paris
11 décembre 2020, Médecins Sans Frontières
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La pandémie de Covid-19 a compliqué l’accès aux soins et aux services de base pour les personnes qui étaient déjà dans une situation très précaire en France. Une clinique mobile MSF parcourt les rues de Paris afin de permettre l’accès aux soins de santé primaires à toutes les personnes à la rue : migrants, sans domicile fixe, mineurs non accompagnés en recours, habitants des quartiers modestes. Reportage.
COVID-19 and the Rights of Older People in Developing Countries
10 December 2020, Dorcas
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The COVID-19 pandemic and in fact all crises – acute or prolonged – remind us that human rights need to be central in all recovery and development efforts. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will only be achieved if we are able to create equal opportunities for all, address failures exposed and exploited by COVID-19, and apply human rights standards to tackle entrenched, systematic, and intergenerational inequalities, exclusion and discrimination. In this document, Dorcas summarizes data and evidence from recent studies and reports on the rights of older people in times of COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries. We also share examples from Dorcas’ practice and formulate recommendations based on good practices of other organisations as well as our own.
COVID-19 fuels growing conflict and displacement in Colombia
10 December 2020, The New Humanitarian
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According to an August congressional report on the implementation of the 2016 peace accord, 16,190 people were displaced by violence in Colombia in the first six months of 2020 – almost double the number in the same period in 2019. The country holds the dubious distinction of having the second largest population of internally displaced people in the world, behind only Syria.
COVID-19 is stifling NGO efforts to promote gender equality when it’s most needed
9 December 2020, The Conversation
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It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted women around the world. The negative impacts of the pandemic on women are well-documented. Women have experienced increased rates of unemployment, heightened burdens of care, decreased access to health services and higher rates of domestic violence. But what’s also alarming is new evidence that the pandemic has harmed the ability of Canada’s international humanitarian and development non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to help address these inequalities.
Addressing the needs of forcibly displaced populations during a pandemic: early learnings
9 December 2020, Elrha
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R2HC-funded researchers share preliminary findings on health systems’ responses to COVID-19 in Colombia, Gaza and Lebanon.
Vaccins contre le Covid-19 : les victimes des conflits armés ne doivent pas être oubliées
2 décembre 2020, L’Humanitaire dans tous ses états
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Si un ou des vaccins efficaces contre le Covid-19 seraient disponibles dans les prochains mois, le CICR tient à rappeler la nécessité de sa mise à disposition partout y compris dans les situations de conflits armés. Il conviendra également de s’interroger sur le défi logistique que représente une vaccination à l’échelle de la planète. Pour l’heure, l’institution publie ce communiqué de presse.
Responding to COVID-19: Global Accountability Report 2 – June to August 2020
2 December 2020, Médecins Sans Frontières
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The COVID-19 global health crisis continues to hold the world firmly in its grip. In many countries around the world, the initial emergency response has turned into a sustained effort to contain recurring waves of infections, putting a relentless strain on healthcare systems, economies, and social life. From June to August, Médecins Sans Frontières continued to respond to the pandemic through its existing programmes, as well as dedicated COVID-19 interventions in more than 250 projects in 63 countries.
East African Climate Groups Help Fight the COVID-19 Crisis
2 December 2020, World Resources Institute
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The prevailing lockdowns and travel bans of the COVID-19 pandemic offer a critical lesson in international development: investing in local institutions is crucial to building resilience to crises. When international aid organizations evacuated their staff at the beginning of the pandemic, local organizations were left to fill in the gaps. In fact, a survey of nearly 600 development professionals found that 51% of aid workers cited increased reliance on local actors to carry out their projects, a dependence that grew over the course of March, April and May.
La pandémie de Covid-19 a précipité des millions de personnes dans l’extrême pauvreté
1er décembre 2020, Le Monde
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Près de 235 millions de personnes ont besoin d’une aide humanitaire dans le monde, un nouveau record selon l’ONU, qui lance un appel humanitaire de 35 milliards de dollars pour 2021.
Essential Health Services: A guidance note – How to prioritize and plan essential health services during COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings
December 2020, USAID
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Health clusters and partners are facing considerable technical and operational challenges in humanitarian settings to safely deliver COVID-19 response and maintain essential health services. Increased operational challenges such as movement restrictions, diversion of human resources, supplies and funding as well as increased operational costs contribute to the disruption in availability and utilization of essential health services. Furthermore, fear and mistrust of health care being provided as well as stigma related to COVID-19 has, in many settings, resulted in the decreased utilization of services as affected populations are unwilling to seek care. These disruptions to health services raise concern of the resultant impact COVID-19 may have on excess mortality and morbidity. Lessons learned from the 2014–2016 West Africa Ebola Outbreak note that disruptions to the provision and utilisation of essential health services resulted in substantial increases in mortality from malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis. As such the Global Health Cluster and partners have developed this tool to help health clusters and partners utilize a systematic approach to prioritizing, maintaining and adapting essential health services during COVID-19 response should they be unable to continue providing the usual package of services safely.
Children with Disabilities – Ensuring their Inclusion in COVID-19 Response Strategies and Evidence Generation
December 2020, UNICEF
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Even before the COVID-19 pandemic struck, children with disabilities were among the most disadvantaged, facing increased exposure to abuse and discrimination and reduced access to services in many parts of the world. Understanding these pre-existing vulnerabilities can help anticipate how the COVID-19 pandemic could sharpen existing inequities and can shed light on where targeted efforts may be required. The publication draws on pre-COVID data to highlight how children with disabilities face greater risks in the midst of this pandemic. It documents what has happened to services for children and adults with disabilities across the world and includes examples of what has been done to address disruptions in services. It also discusses the challenges in generating disability-inclusive data during the pandemic.
The COVID-19 Catalyst: Implications for Disaster Governance in ASEAN
December 2020, Lina Gong and S. Nanthini
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Disaster governance is a key element to building a resilient ASEAN community. Vulnerability to natural hazards has led to their prioritisation in disaster governance in the regional bloc. With the set of regional frameworks, bodies and facilities established over the past two decades, ASEAN has become a leading regional actor for dealing with natural hazards. In comparison, during the COVID-19 outbreak, ASEAN’s role has largely been limited to facilitating information-sharing and coordination. The challenges in national COVID-19 responses and the humanitarian needs induced by the pandemic remind us that public health emergencies deserve equal attention as natural hazards in regional disaster governance. Moreover, the risk of concurrent pandemics and natural hazards points to the need for an integrated approach. This NTS Insight argues that a holistic approach to disaster governance is necessary for ASEAN’s community building, which appreciates the linkages between different disasters and integrates regional mechanisms. As the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami accelerated improvement in ASEAN’s management of natural hazards, COVID-19 should be the catalyst for integrated disaster governance in the region.
Prevailing against pandemics by putting people at the centre — World AIDS Day Report 2020
26 November 2020, UNAIDS
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Insufficient investment and action on HIV and other long-running pandemics have also left the world exposed to a new global health threat: COVID-19. Had health systems and social safety nets been even stronger, the world would have been better positioned to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus and withstand its impact. In this report, UNAIDS is calling on countries to make far greater investments in global pandemic responses and adopt a new set of bold, ambitious but achievable HIV targets. If those targets are met, the world will be back on track to ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
COVID-19: A Catastrophe for Children in Sub-Saharan Africa – Cash Transfers and a Marshall Plan Can Help
26 November 2020, UNICEF
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This report investigates how COVID-19 and other shocks have impacted child well-being in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) during 2020 and the potential role of cash transfers and external resources to help children and economies. It reviews the latest social, economic and financial information from a range of global databases and modelling exercises, draws on emerging country-level reporting and carries out projections where recent data are unavailable. Although information remains incomplete and things are quickly evolving, the outlook is alarming.
Grassroots aid grows in middle-income Chile, as COVID-19 drives new needs
24 November 2020, The New Humanitarian
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Up and down the length of Chile, people are turning to soup kitchens for their hunger needs as the coronavirus pandemic broadens inequality after lockdown measures shuttered the informal economy for months. Food insecurity in Chile has risen dramatically over the course of the pandemic, and its impacts have been particularly acute among already marginalised urban populations.
Poorer countries can’t wait until 2022. The WTO should suspend COVID vaccine patents now
23 November 2020, Shaz Memon & Dr Akber Ali
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Wealthy countries are first in line in the queue for vaccines, and the WTO is refusing to suspend patent enforcement so that poorer countries can manufacture generic versions. Most people will have to wait until 2022. This is unconscionable, say Shaz Memon and Akber Ali. India in particular is in an excellent position to roll out its own versions.
Le vaccin est une chose, la vaccination de masse en est une autre
23 novembre 2020, L’Humanitaire dans tous ses états
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Alors que l’on ne parle plus que de vaccin contre le Covid-19, la guerre entre laboratoires bat son plein, prenons le temps d’effectuer un retour sur l’épidémie foudroyante de méningite cérébro-spinale qui, en 1974, flambe au Brésil. Cette histoire va révéler que le principal défi en terme de vaccination de masse est la coordination et la logistique.
Global Humanitarian Response Plan COVID-19 Progress Report: Fourth Edition
17 November 2020, OCHA
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In the eight months since the humanitarian community came together in the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP), the virus has swept across the globe and impacted entire economies and societies. Millions of people have been pushed to the brink of survival. The extent of the effects is still unfolding. As of 16 November, there were more than 15.7 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in GHRP countries and 518,000 deaths. This represents more than 31 per cent of global cases and more than 41 per cent of global deaths. The number of reported cases and deaths have thankfully been lower than originally feared in many of the countries with humanitarian needs, but it is the secondary impacts that have been – and will continue to be – devastating for many of the people living in these countries.
La Covid-19 force à décentraliser l’action humanitaire
12 novembre 2020, The Conversation
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Seconde Guerre mondiale, génocide rwandais, séisme en Haïti… chacune de ses tragédies a forcé plusieurs grands organismes d’action humanitaire à revoir la manière dont ils interviennent sur le terrain. La professionnalisation humanitaire a ainsi évolué d’une crise à l’autre. En donnant une plus grande place aux acteurs locaux, la pandémie de Covid-19 aura aussi un impact important.
How can countries continue to combat malaria during a pandemic?
11 November 2020, African Arguments
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With medical disruptions due to COVID-19 likely to kill more people in Africa than the disease itself, two countries provide interesting lessons.
Syria: Lack of adequate COVID-19 response puts thousands of lives at risk
12 November 2020, Amnesty International
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Nearly eight months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the Syrian government is failing to adequately protect its health workers, still lacks a robust response to the spread of the disease, and is refusing to provide transparent and consistent information about the country’s COVID-19 outbreak, Amnesty International said today.
COVID-19 and Conflict | How pandemic regulations are being used to target the political opposition in Zimbabwe
5 November 2020, ISS blog on Global Development and Social Justice
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Relatively few Covid-19 infections and deaths have been registered in Zimbabwe, yet the Southern African country has been hit hard by the pandemic. Our recent research on Covid-19 responses in Zimbabwe shows that in the face of a strict lockdown and ongoing economic repercussions, one of the biggest worries for Zimbabwean citizens ironically is falling prey to the instrumental and strategic use of laws meant to protect them from the virus, which are apparently being used to continue decades-long political repression.
Refugee Situation Worsens with the pandemic: Are we doing enough?
5 November 2020, Refugee Law Initiative
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The world in 2020 is facing the worst public health crisis of its time, almost a hundred years after the Spanish flu. Covid-19 has crippled the 21st Century world and has brought governments and corporations to their knees. In mid-March, for the lack of any better measures, the pandemic forced many national governments to enter into partial or complete nationwide lockdowns, to prevent community outbreak. In the words of, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, there is a situation of ‘global recession as bad as the global financial crisis or worse’.
Such formidable circumstances have directly impacted millions. There has been a collective realization of the importance of food on the table, a shelter overhead and the ability to have necessary healthcare. The pandemic has further aggravated the global refugee situation. The WHO, OHCHR, IOM and the UNHCR jointly issued a statement expressing concerns regarding the urgent protection for the rights and health of migrants, refugees and stateless persons. While some countries have closed their borders, which denies people the opportunity to seek/claim asylum, many are struggling to ensure healthy living circumstances and availability of essential goods.
While several works have shed light on the difficulties faced by refugees and the law on state responsibility, this blog post will highlight the specific obligations of states in the special circumstances caused by Covid-19 and discuss how both states and UN agencies have dealt with the situation over the past few months.
Covid-19: l’enjeu de la coopération internationale. Entretien avec Xavier Michelin
Novembre 2020, Observatoire de la Santé Mondiale
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A window of opportunity for localizing aid? Learning from Covid-19 to progress locally led response and development
November 2020, Australian Red Cross, Humanitarian Advisory Group and the Institute for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University
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As COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and international travel restrictions, border closures and lockdowns ensued, large numbers of expatriate aid workers returned to their home countries. This significant change in the demography of the aid industry in many countries has led to a shift in roles for international, and national and local actors in humanitarian and development work. Some claimed that in the Pacific region, COVID-19, and responses to it, would elevate local actors and give them more opportunity to take on leadership and decision-making roles. It was suggested that this could establish new forms of locally led social and collective action and challenge the traditional narratives of aid. Others argued that the humanitarian system more broadly had retreated to known territory, working almost entirely through large multilaterals and minimising the risk associated with new partnerships with national and local actors.
Genre et organisation du travail pendant la crise covid-19 : Étude dans le milieu de la solidarité internationale en France
Novembre 2020, Adéquations, Coordination sud, F3E, Genre en Action & Médecins du Monde
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Cette étude présente les résultats d’une enquête menée entre mai et juin 2020 auprès de salarié·e·s d’organisations françaises de solidarité internationale (OSI) sur les répercussions de la crise sanitaire en termes de genre dans l’organisation du travail et les ressources humaines de ces structures, ainsi que d’un webinaire de mise en discussion des premiers résultats et de recueil de recommandations qui s’est tenu le 6 juillet. Les 253 réponses à un questionnaire en ligne, émanant en majorité de femmes, mettent en exergue l’impact différencié sur les femmes et les hommes des mesures mises en place par les OSI pendant la période de confinement, notamment en termes d’articulation entre la vie professionnelle et la vie familiale, de baisse du pouvoir économique et d’augmentation des risques psycho-sociaux.
La guerre au Yémen : un désastre humanitaire aggravé par la Covid-19
27 octobre 2020, Les Yeux du Monde
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En 2016, l’ONU déclarait que la guerre au Yémen avait engendré la pire crise humanitaire mondiale. La situation reste aujourd’hui des plus inquiétantes, en raison d’un conflit violent, de la propagation des maladies (choléra et Covid-19), d’une insécurité alimentaire et d’une pauvreté généralisée. Plus de 80% de la population, soit 24 millions de personnes, se retrouvent dépendantes des aides envoyées par les agences de l’ONU et les ONG.
COVID-19 and BLM: A new era for aid?
21 October 2020, The New Humanitarian
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In recent months, COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter have re-energised some of the long-standing critiques about how the sector operates. If there were ever a time to take that talk seriously, it’s now. This moment has the potential to be a critical turning point. Come along, as Heba, Jeremy, and Danny look at the future of crisis response at this time of potential – but still unrealised – transformation. Will the current model survive? Can it even change? And if not, what will take its place?
Quand le Covid-19 devient vecteur de famine
20 octobre, L’Humanitaire dans tous ses états
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Les plus impactés par les conséquences du Covid-19 seront toujours les plus faibles, les plus pauvres. C’est ce qui vient à l’esprit quand on découvre une étude conduite cet été par le CICR auprès de 2 400 personnes dans dix pays africains dont la plupart minés par un conflit armé : Mauritanie, Niger, Nigéria, Cameroun, Libye, Soudan, Éthiopie, au Kenya, Somalie, République démocratique du Congo.
Venezuelan migrants left in the lurch as COVID-19 stalls regional reforms
15 October 2020, The New Humanitarian
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Two years ago, 11 Latin American countries gathered in solidarity to coordinate a progressive response to an unprecedented regional exodus. But COVID-19 has since crippled their economies and far-reaching migration reforms have stalled, leaving the lives and livelihoods of millions of Venezuelan migrants in the balance.
How to Talk about COVID-19 in Africa
15 October 2020, Boston Review
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To ask why COVID-19 hasn’t been deadlier in Africa is to suggest that more Africans should be dying. We need better questions.
Are warnings of a COVID-19 famine in Africa overblown?
14 October 2020, The New Humanitarian
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Alarm bells have been ringing for months that COVID-19 could push fragile African countries “closer to the abyss” of famine as jobs are lost, local markets close, and poverty deepens. Aid agencies routinely list the coronavirus as a major factor in driving humanitarian needs, from the Sahel to Somalia, and don’t shy away from describing its impact as the “perfect storm”. A joint report in July by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) calculated that COVID-19 could create an additional 121 million hungry people globally by the end of the year – mostly in 15 already crisis-affected African countries. But as an increasing number of African countries ease their punishing lockdowns, ending restrictions on internal travel, relaxing curfews, and reopening schools, do these dire warnings still hold true?
Les pays émergents se relèveront-ils après le Covid-19 ?
13 octobre 2020, France culture
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“La crise du Covid-19 n’a pas (pour l’instant) submergé le monde émergent mais accéléré sa transition.” C’est la première conclusion d’une étude en cours menée par l’économiste Jean-Joseph Boillot. Entretien.
Power and the Pandemic: Observing COVID-19 in Africa through a Public Authorities Lens
8 October 2020, CPAID
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Most discussion of Africa’s response to COVID-19 takes place at the national level, focussing on the role of formal state authorities. However, less is known about the role of ‘public authorities’: traditional chiefs, self-help groups, kinship networks, professional associations, faith-based groups, civil society organisations, multinational companies, humanitarian agencies, organized criminal gangs, militias and rebels. These often operate below the national level and are particularly important in areas where the state is weak or absent. To explore this gap, researchers at the Centre for Public Authority and International Development were asked to provide vignettes of life under, and public authorities’ responses to, the pandemic in the places they intimately know: northern Uganda, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sierra Leone.
Les inégalités sociales au temps du COVID-19
Octobre 2020, IReSP
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Notre pays — et la planète — traverse une crise épidémique majeure. Comme toute crise, elle peut être révélatrice des forces et faiblesses de la société, et de ses composantes : celles de son système de santé, de son système de recherche, du fonctionnement de la démocratie sanitaire… Cet article aborde la question des inégalités sociales au temps du COVID-19 : la crise sanitaire, la réaction politique et celle du système de santé les ont-elles amplifiées, atténuées ou les ont-elles laissées telles qu’elles étaient auparavant ? Ce numéro spécial de la revue Questions de Santé Publique apporte un éclairage sur cette question à partir de résultats originaux provenant de l’enquête « Épidémiologie et conditions de vie » (EpiCoV), permettant de documenter dans les meilleurs délais la situation exceptionnelle que nous traversons.
How COVID-19 has created a crisis on the Venezuela-Colombia border
23 September 2020, The New Humanitarian
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A humanitarian crisis has been brewing for the past six months on the Venezuela-Colombia border, where COVID-19 lockdown measures have had a devastating effect on Indigenous and migrant communities strained by the influx of tens of thousands of Venezuelan returnees.
4 steps for surviving COVID-19 as an NGO
23 September 2020, ALNAP
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NGOs have been drastically affected by COVID-19, and some are struggling to cover core expenses for the coming years. The problem is accentuated for local NGOs already struggling with funding, primarily due to donors prioritising projects responding to the COVID-19 pandemic as needs mount.
From COVID-19 to climate change: What we’re watching at the UNGA
22 September 2020, The New Humanitarian
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In contrast with a manic year in which the spread of COVID-19 has set off cascading social and economic emergencies around the world, the UN General Assembly’s main debate week opened on Tuesday in unusually calm fashion at the world body’s headquarters.
What happened to the ‘Asian century’? COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand
22 September 2020, COMPAS, University of Oxford
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Australia and New Zealand are unique among ‘Western’ countries in their proximity to Asia. Both countries have strong political, economic and cultural ties to the region. In 2012, the Australian government released a white paper on ‘Australia in the Asian century’, mapping out a plan to teach Asian languages in schools, attracting international students to Australian universities, and building businesses’ cultural competency to encourage greater engagement with Asia. New Zealand, for its part, has often claimed membership of Asia. Both countries also host large Asian immigrant populations, which have been alternately met with warm acceptance, and vitriolic xenophobia. The onset of COVID-19 – which has had severe impacts for violence and discrimination against peoples of Asian descent, and international mobility – has brought the region’s relationship with Asia, and specifically, China, into sharper focus.
Impact of COVID-19 in Africa: a scenario analysis to 2030
16 September 2020, The Broker
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Africa is known to struggle under the weight of fragile institutions, poor leadership, conflict, corruption and myriad legacy challenges that perpetuate underdevelopment from colonial times. The coronavirus has once again brought to the fore these challenges and exposed the frailty of many of the institutions across the continent. Yet, as the virus was late in arriving to the continent, we saw governments across Africa taking decisive actions in an attempt to keep citizens safe, and implementing global best practices and policies. While there are obvious capacity and execution shortfalls, there were also a number of successful areas of practice. For example, the Africa CDC (Centre for Disease Control) developed a joint continental strategy on the coronavirus and launched a continental taskforce on COVID-19.
Yemen: Aid Obstruction Puts Millions at Risk
14 September 2020, Human Rights Watch
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The Houthi armed group and other authorities are severely restricting the delivery of desperately needed aid in Yemen, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The situation is exacerbating the country’s dire humanitarian situation and weakening its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 and Humanitarian Crises
26 August 2020, HillNote
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At the beginning of 2020, millions of people around the world were already in a state of significant vulnerability as a result of armed conflicts, disasters and state failure. This HillNote discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on humanitarian settings and humanitarian assistance.
How COVID-19 is tragically exposing systemic vulnerabilities in Peru
25 August 2020, ISS blog on Global Development and Social Justice
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Despite early assessments that Peru was faring well in the COVID-19 pandemic and that its preparedness was due to its strict application of austerity and reforms over the last 30 years, these quickly turned out to be tragically premature as the country emerged over the summer as one of the worst impacted globally in terms of confirmed deaths per capita. While much of the blame has been focused on people’s behaviour, the crisis ultimately points to deep overlapping structural inequalities within the social protection, employment, and health systems, which austerity and reform have not resolved and in some cases worsened.
Rethinking vulnerability in the era of COVID-19
24 August 2020, Center for Humanitarian Leadership
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The notion of ‘vulnerability’ is at the heart of much humanitarian discourse. For a sector that aims to save lives and alleviate suffering, understanding the potential for exposure to harm is an important part of seeking mitigation measures. And in an environment where there is inevitably more need than resources, vulnerability criteria is a tool used by humanitarian agencies to make transparent decisions about who should be prioritised to receive assistance. The aim is to ensure those with the most need or at greatest risk of harm receive assistance first, while keeping the principle of ‘do no harm’ at the centre of every action. However, the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us to reconsider our understanding of who is vulnerable, to what, and why. COVID-19 not only reminds us of the need to recognise individual agency as well as risk but is also recalibrating notions of vulnerability at a global level.
Lessons from the HIV epidemic can teach us resilience in the face of COVID-19
19 August 2020, DEVEX
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In many ways, COVID-19 is the newest iteration of a decades-long struggle for equality and justice: too often, the most vulnerable are stigmatized, denied access to care, and left out of key decisions that directly impact their health. Today, marginalized groups are disproportionately affected by both the health risks as well as the economic and social fallout of COVID-19. LGBTIQ+ populations have been subject to further blame and abuse due to the pandemic and are being left out of COVID-19 response and recovery initiatives. People who are incarcerated report being denied care as the coronavirus tears through prisons around the world. Lockdowns and social distancing requirements have left many sex workers without income, and those that continue to work face heightened health risks. The parallels to the HIV/AIDS epidemic are clear, at the height of which those most affected were many of the same marginalized groups that are most vulnerable to COVID-19 now. Widespread stigma and discrimination prevented many from seeking care, and many health workers refused to treat these communities for fear of contracting the virus. Yet, affected communities were often excluded from discussions about HIV research, funding, and policy agendas. That is, until AIDS activists took matters into their own hands.
Responding to COVID-19: Global Accountability Report – March to May 2020
10 August 2020, Médecins Sans Frontières
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The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented health crisis of global scale. Since early 2020, it has put tremendous strain on healthcare systems, disrupted economies, and halted large parts of social life in many countries around the world. In a race against the fast spreading virus and rapidly increasing patient numbers, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) scaled-up our global response from early January, committing substantial resources to both developing dedicated COVID-19 projects and maintaining essential healthcare in its existing programmes.
Covid has put Governance at the heart of debates on Development, but how has it changed the questions we ask?
5 August 2020, Oxfam Blog – From Poverty to Power
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The aim of this blog is to suggest ways in which the ‘governance discourse’ is changing – indeed has already changed – as a result of Covid-19.
From Covid-19 to Locusts: The Horn of Africa’s Looming Food Crisis
11 July 2020, ISPI
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As the COVID-19 pandemic tightens its grip on the Horn of Africa, its impacts are being felt unevenly across geographies, time, and different groups of people. These impacts go beyond the immediate risk of infection, compounding existing vulnerabilities, crises and risks to create an economic crisis that will take longer to recover from than the illness itself. A snapshot of the food security situation in the Horn of Africa (HoA) underscores these dynamics: COVID-19 complicates a context characterised by chronic food insecurity, protracted conflict and displacement, and environmental factors such as flooding and desert locust swarms. The predictions are dire: FEWSNET predicts that in the East African region (within which they include Yemen), ‘the peak number of people facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse outcomes in 2020 will be 25-30 percent higher than the peak population estimate prior to the onset of COVID-19.’ This article sheds light on these dynamics, mapping the layers of the food security challenge the HoA faces as a result of COVID-19 and other factors. We also highlight key points of resilience, expertise and lessons to be learned from within the region that warrant further support and research.
Food banks, food poverty and coping during COVID-19: a view from the Somali diaspora in Bristol
9 July 2020, Nisar Majid
Only available in English
This blog post provides an update on the economic impact of COVID-19 amongst the Somali community in the UK, drawing on insights gained in one city, Bristol. In particular, it highlights the importance of food banks and community-level support that provided a crucial buffer before government support materialised, but that also reflects underling food insecurity in the UK. The post also suggests that an important employment sector for Somalis in the city, taxi driving, which has been severely impacted has in part been replaced by a rise in the delivery sector. The post discusses the difficulty in obtaining information and drawing out wider trends in the current context but raises concerns for food insecurity in the UK and in Somalia looking forward.
Should low-income countries decentralize their COVID-19 responses?
8 July 2020, IFPRI
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As countries respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, some have centralized decision-making, while others, including the United States and Germany, have left key policy choices to state governments, or even municipalities—allowing for individualized measures. These varied strategies have sparked a debate about the merits of decentralized service delivery in pandemic response. The OECD notes that this approach can work if sub-national governments receive sufficient support and there is adequate coordination across levels of government.
How coronavirus hit Aden: A Yemeni doctor’s diary
7 July 2020, The New Humanitarian
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As COVID-19 courses through Yemen, taking an unknown number of victims in a country already decimated by war, Dr Ammar Derwish, 32, has been documenting the toll on his community.
The vulnerabilities of Somali communities with COVID-19 in Europe
7 July 2020, Daily Sabah
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Covid-19, ce n’est pas fini !
6 juillet 2020, Défis Humanitaires
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La pandémie a sérieusement perturbé l’organisation de l’aide humanitaire internationale. Elle est en train de provoquer maintenant une grave crise économique et sociale, tant ici en France et dans les pays d’Europe, que partout dans le monde, particulièrement dans les pays les plus fragiles confrontés à un conflit et aux conséquences du réchauffement climatique. Crise sanitaire, crise économique doublées pour certaines populations vulnérables d’une crise alimentaire. Dans ce contexte de crise durable à rebondissement, les conséquences directes et indirectes de la pandémie vont augmenter de manière significatives les besoins humanitaires. La crise va durer et il n’y aura pas de retour à la situation antérieure à la pandémie. L’humanitaire doit accélérer son travail d’adaptation continu au contexte pour que sa réponse colle au mieux aux besoins.
En Guyane, la crise provoquée par le Covid est désormais humanitaire et économique
2 juillet 2020, La Croix
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Dans l’Est guyanais, les habitants des communes frontalières avec le Brésil de Saint-Georges-de-l’Oyapock et de Camopi vivent confinés depuis plus de trois mois et le début de la crise du coronavirus. Avec des conséquences économiques directes pour une très grande partie de la population qui vit de la pêche ou de petits boulots.
La pandémie de Covid-19 continue d’affecter profondément la paix et la sécurité du monde, prévient Guterres
2 juillet 2020, ONU Info
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« Les conséquences peuvent être observées même dans plusieurs pays traditionnellement considérés comme “stables”. Mais les impacts sont particulièrement apparents dans les pays qui connaissent déjà un conflit ou qui en sortent », a dit le chef de l’ONU lors d’un débat par visioconférence avec les quinze membres du Conseil, auquel participait le Ministre allemand des affaires étrangères, Heiko Josef Maas, dont le pays préside l’organe onusien au mois de juillet. Selon le chef de l’ONU, les risques qui pèsent sur la paix et à la sécurité internationales sont multiples.
Palliative care, COVID-19 and humanitarian action: it’s time to talk.
2 July 2020, Humanitarian Law and Policy Blog
Only available in English
For countries already gripped by war or disaster, COVID-19 is magnifying existing challenges to healthcare. To date, recognition of the importance of palliative care by humanitarian agencies has been slow at best, if not entirely overlooked. Given the inevitability of death for many in the coming months, the pandemic should be the impetus to put palliative care firmly on the agenda of humanitarian agencies. In this post, Rachel Coghlan, researcher at the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership, Deakin University, and palliative care physiotherapist, outlines the key challenges of integrating palliative care into humanitarian action, explains why the COVID-19 pandemic should be a catalyst for change, and shares three big ideas on how to move forward.
Lutte contre la Covid-19 : le Conseil de sécurité exige une cessation immédiate et mondiale des hostilités
1er juillet 2020, ONU Info
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112 jours après que l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a qualifié la Covid-19 de pandémie, le Conseil de sécurité a finalement adopté une résolution sur cette question de santé mondiale qui affecte la paix et la sécurité internationales. Dans cette résolution, les quinze membres du Conseil demandent également à toutes les parties aux conflits armés à travers le monde de s’engager immédiatement dans « une pause humanitaire durable » pendant au moins 90 jours consécutifs.
La pandémie de Covid-19 “s’accélère” avertit l’OMS alors qu’en Guyane, certains parlent de “crise humanitaire”
30 juin 2020, France Culture
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L’Organisation mondiale de la santé, inquiète notamment de la situation aux Etats-Unis, envoie des experts en Chine pour tenter d’en savoir plus sur l’origine du virus, sa transmission et enrayer une nouvelle vague. En Guyane, le virus se propager rapidement, certains évoquent une crise humanitaire.
Establishing humanitarian lanes during COVID-19
30 June 2020, East Asia Forum
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COVID-19 is severely impacting the humanitarian system. It has forced countries to focus on containing the pandemic with national lockdown measures — hindering humanitarian action and denying aid to many affected communities in the Asia Pacific. But countries in the region have begun negotiations to normalise international travel, with Australia and New Zealand being the first to initiate bilateral discussions over the establishment of a ‘Trans-Tasman bubble’ and a ‘humanitarian corridor’ to the Pacific during the pandemic.
Inclusion of persons with disabilities in Covid-19 response and recovery: seven steps to implementing the IASC Guidelines
29 June 2020, ODI – Humanitarian Practices Network
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The Covid-19 global crisis has thrown into stark relief the harmful inequalities existing in societies everywhere. No more harshly is this felt than by persons with disabilities, who face elevated risks of infection, serious illness and mortality as well worsening levels of poverty, abuse and exploitation (as detailed in a recent policy brief from the UN Secretary-General).
Coronavirus en Syrie : « le système de santé n’est pas préparé à une épidémie de grande ampleur »
29 juin 2020, ONU Info
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L’ONU continue d’appuyer les mesures de préparation et de réponse à la Covid-19 dans toute la Syrie, y compris l’expansion des capacités de test. « Mais d’importantes lacunes subsistent, notamment en ce qui concerne les équipements de protection individuelle, les fournitures de gestion des cas médicaux et la capacité d’isolement et de quarantaine », a alerté M. Lowcock qui est également Coordinateur des secours d’urgence de l’ONU.
COVID-19 may not have reached Syrian communities in the Middle East, but its domino effects have
26 June 2020, COMPAS (University of Oxford)
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A ‘natural disaster’ on top of a pandemic – preparedness in the face of cascading uncertainties
25 June 2020, Institute of Development Studies
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A cyclone is the last thing you need during the coronavirus pandemic! In May 2020, supercyclone Amphan – one of the severest cyclones originating in the Bay of Bengal for over a century – ripped through coastal Bangladesh and the eastern coast of India causing widespread damage and disruption. The Chief Minister of West Bengal announced that the catastrophe was “worse than coronavirus”.
How civil society is fighting back against coronavirus crackdowns
24 June 2020, Open Democracy
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For some activist groups, the crisis has provided an opportunity to build their movements.
Gender and ICTs in fragile refugee settings: from local coordination to vital protection and support during the Covid-19 pandemic
9 June 2020, Centre for Frugal Innovation in Africa
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In times of crisis, it is crucial for policy makers and aid agencies to recognize and draw on locally established ICT platforms and community groups to facilitate critical information dissemination, and local exchange and support. Over time, to better appreciate ICTs and gender in fragile contexts, aid groups should consider both physical access to mobile devices, but also links to social norms, cultural ideas (and ideology) and the role of local actors. This will permit a more nuanced understanding of the evolving role of ICTs in refugee women’s empowerment, social protection, and broader integration.
Multiplying crises: The coronavirus in Sudan
8 June 2020, European Council on Foreign Relations
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Sudan’s transitional authorities are struggling to deal with a health system that is collapsing under the weight of covid-19. But the most dramatic social and economic impact of the disease might come from the effects that restrictions on movement will have on prices and food security.
MSF s’inquiète de la propagation alarmante de la Covid-19 en Haïti
5 juin 2020, Médecins Sans Frontières
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En réponse à la propagation croissante de la Covid-19 en Haïti, Médecins Sans Frontières a ouvert le 16 mai le centre de traitement Drouillard à Port-au-Prince, pour soigner les patients souffrant de formes sévères du virus. Depuis l’ouverture de ce centre, le nombre de personnes testées positives pour le coronavirus en Haïti a augmenté de façon spectaculaire, passant de 100 cas à plus de 2 600, et 50 décès. Avec seulement deux laboratoires dans le pays capables de réaliser les tests, le nombre de cas enregistrés est bien inférieur au nombre réel.
Kenya and Covid: Pandemic Response Risks Excluding Minority Groups
28 May 2020, World Peace Foundation
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Today, the divide between those who the Kenyan state recognizes and those it does not is being felt in new, potentially harmful ways as the Covid-19 response reinforces existing fault lines of power and access. This blog examines four risks for identity-based exclusion in Kenya’s pandemic response, and how ongoing struggles for inclusion will impact emergent struggles for social welfare as the Covid-19 crisis unfolds.
All eyes are on local humanitarian responders during Covid-19 – now they need support
28 May 2020, ODI
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The humanitarian sector has grappled for decades with how best to support and fund local responders. Implementing this ‘localisation’ agenda has proved an uphill battle. Despite the Grand Bargain commitments of international non-governmental organisations, UN agencies and donors signed in 2016, the sector today is still primarily led and financed by these actors. Local responders are often relegated to subordinate implementors. The humanitarian response to Covid-19 has exposed the limits of the current system – but it could prove a catalyst for reform.
The Voice of Charities Facing COVID-19 Worldwide
28 May 2020, CAF America
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From April 30 to May 6, in its second COVID-19 survey, CAF America polled 880 organizations worldwide to learn how the coronavirus global pandemic continues to impact their work. The organizations included in the survey represent 122 countries and 217 repeat respondents. The first survey conducted by CAF America involved 544 organizations representing 93 countries.
Key Findings Include:
Nearly all, 94.38% of the responding organizations, reported being negatively impacted by the coronavirus global pandemic.
Almost 15% of the organizations surveyed were forced to suspend their operations, as their activities cannot be carried out remotely. More than 60% have reported that they had to eliminate or suspend some of their regular programs and services.
Over 70% of the respondents have seen a significant reduction in the contributions received.
Ces onze Africaines et Africains qui contribuent à contenir la pandémie sur leur continent
22 mai 2020, Le Monde
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Que ce soit à l’OMS, au sein de l’UA ou à l’échelle nationale, ces personnalités tiennent, pour l’heure avec succès, en joue le coronavirus.
L’Afrique est pour l’heure le continent qui résiste le mieux à la pandémie liée au coronavirus. Ce continent, qui n’en est pas à sa première épidémie, a choisi pour faire face au Covid-19 des femmes et des hommes qui connaissent les virus et ont fait leurs preuves en santé publique. Portraits de onze personnalités qui ont élaboré des stratégies pour limiter « l’hécatombe » tant redoutée.
Coronavirus: quels défis pour les humanitaires?
14 mai 2020, RFI
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Alors que le Covid-19 poursuit sa progression, regard sur la façon dont la pandémie a changé la donne pour les professionnels de l’urgence, les particularités de cette crise par rapport à toutes celles connues jusqu’ici.
Invités :
– Pierre Micheletti, médecin, président d’Action contre la Faim. Co-responsable du Master Politiques et Pratiques des Organisations internationales à l’Institut d’Études politiques de Grenoble. «Les humanitaires et la guerre, l’aventure ambiguë», éditions Parole
– Alain Boinet, fondateur de l’Organisation, Solidarités Internationales. Animateur du site Défis humanitaires.
Coronavirus : l’Afrique doit-elle se préparer au pire ?
14 mai 2020, Le Monde
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Les scénarios catastrophes spéculant sur une hécatombe due à l’arrivée du Covid-19 en Afrique ne se sont pour l’instant pas produits. Décryptage en vidéo.
Pour le moment, force est de constater : l’Afrique résiste mieux que le reste du monde au coronavirus. Près de 70 000 cas déclarés le 14 mai et plus de 2 400 morts. Pourtant, dès le 18 mars, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) avait mis en garde les dirigeants africains : le continent devait « se préparer au pire ». Arrivera-t-il ? Est-on trop catastrophiste quand on parle d’Afrique ? Pourquoi la vague anticipée ne semble pas submerger le continent ? Quel pourrait-être le pire des scénarios et comment l’éviter ? Eléments de réponse en vidéo.
Surviving the COVID 19 pandemic: the view from a Ugandan surgeon and epidemiologist
12 May 2020, Olive Kobusingye
Only available in English
In managing the pandemic, Uganda seems to have checked many of the right boxes so far. Schools were closed, large gatherings banned, and some form of physical distancing adopted before Uganda registered its first case of COVID 19. The sole international airport was closed on March 23, 2020, a day after the first case was confirmed. Then followed a creeping lockdown – first stopping public transport, then private cars, and finally discouraging all non-essential movement, even on foot.
An epidemiologist’s analysis of the Covid-19 crisis – Part 1
11 mai 2020, Médecins sans Frontières – CRASH
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Crisis situation, response strategies, hydroxychloroquine, interventional epidemiology and the state of scientific research in Africa: Elba Rahmouni interviews Emmanuel Baron, Director of Epicentre, Médecins Sans Frontières.
The second part of the interview is available here.
Covid-19 – Mise en place par l’Union européenne d’un pont aérien humanitaire en direction de pays tiers
8 mai 2020, Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères
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Dans le contexte d’urgence sanitaire issu de la pandémie de Covid-19, la France soutient pleinement l’initiative prise par l’Union européenne, en lien avec des ONG humanitaires notamment françaises et des acteurs humanitaires, de mise en place d’un pont aérien permettant l’acheminement de fret et de personnels humanitaires à destination de plusieurs pays confrontés à une crise humanitaire aiguë, prioritairement en Afrique, mais également en Asie et au Moyen-Orient.
Coronavirus : 50 millions de personnes menacées par la faim en Afrique de l’Ouest d’ici à quelques mois
21 avril 2020, Le Monde
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La pandémie de Covid-19, ajoutée aux problèmes de sécheresse et à l’insécurité dans la région, pourrait faire exploser le nombre de personnes en crise alimentaire, alerte l’ONG Oxfam.
Coronavirus : en Afrique, des mesures d’exception qui menacent les libertés publiques
13 avril 2020, Le Monde
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Violences policières, interdiction des manifestations, report des scrutins, contrôle des médias… Dans plusieurs pays, des ONG de défense des droits humains s’inquiètent.
When the humanitarian response is the biggest threat
13 April 2020, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership
Only available in English
5 essential steps for action during COVID-19 – The sector must urgently develop a strategy and operational response without its greatest collective strength: the ability to mobilise, deploy and coordinate human resources.
Coronavirus : en Afrique, « des mesures sont prises en urgence alors qu’on ne les imaginait pas possibles »
8 avril 2020, Le Monde
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Le journaliste Jean-Philippe Rémy a répondu à vos questions sur l’impact de l’épidémie due au nouveau coronavirus sur le continent africain.
« Le confinement généralisé est profondément inégalitaire »
6 avril 2020, Marianne
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Interrogé par le magazine Marianne, Rony Brauman explique que la croyance en l’élimination des épidémies a fait écran à la vigilance des organisations internationales et des États. Il développe sa vision de la crise sanitaire que nous traversons et s’exprime sur les mesures prises pour y répondre.
Humanitaire : maintenir l’attention au-delà de nos frontières
6 avril 2020, Alternatives économiques
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Le président, Pierre Micheletti, et le directeur général d’Action Contre la Faim, Jean-François Riffaud, plaident pour que les mobilisations nationales des pays riches ne se fassent pas au détriment des pays pauvres et des réfugiés, particulièrement vulnérables
Demande de mesures contraignantes pour assurer la protection de tous les mineurs non accompagnés dans le contexte de l’épidémie du Covid-19
6 avril 2020
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36 Associations et syndicats s’associent à 88 avocats d’enfants et adressent une lettre ouverte au Premier Ministre pour l’alerter sur la situation dramatique de nombreux mineurs isolés qui, malgré les mesures prises par le gouvernement, continuent à être laissés sans protection.
En Afrique, les opérations humanitaires fragilisées par les mesures de confinement
4 avril 2020, Le Monde
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L’ONU demande aux gouvernements d’accorder aux travailleurs humanitaires le même statut qu’aux personnels de santé afin de faciliter leurs déplacements.
Coronavirus : l’Afrique au défi de son système de santé
3 avril 2020, Le Monde
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Masques, respirateurs, lits, personnels formés à la réanimation… Le continent tente d’augmenter ses capacités de prise en charge de malades du Covid-19.
Global Health Advocates’ Statement on the COVID-19 outbreak
2 April 2020, Action Santé Mondiale
Also available in French
Global Health Advocates France (GHA) stands with the victims of COVID-19 and their families worldwide. During this difficult period, GHA’s team is working full time from home and adapting its advocacy efforts to the current context. As a civil society organisation, we are worried about the immediate humanitarian impact in hardest hit parts of the world and are evaluating the longer-term impact of existing health, development and research policies. Taking into account COVID-19’s comorbidity with other diseases, it disproportionately impacts those who are most vulnerable: the elderly, the homeless, prisoners, migrants denied access to healthcare, and those with existing health conditions such as high blood pressure, or weak immune system because of malnutrition, HIV and tuberculosis. The pandemic requires a robust and all-encompassing public health response from governments that, first and foremost, focuses on the implementation of effective epidemic control measures to slow down or halt the further spread of the virus.
Coronavirus : la crise humanitaire au Sahel menace de devenir “ingérable” (ONU)
2 avril 2020, AfricaNews
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La crise humanitaire dans la région du Sahel central menace de devenir “ingérable”, avec plus de cinq millions de personnes confrontées à une grave insécurité alimentaire alors que le coronavirus se propage, a averti jeudi le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM).
Scénario catastrophe pour l’Afrique désormais touchée par le coronavirus
1er avril 2020, Le Figaro
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INFOGRAPHIE – S’il n’est pas aidé, ce continent, où le confinement est impossible, risque de servir de réservoir au virus, qui reviendra alors dans les pays du Nord.
Jean-Christophe Rufin : « Le coronavirus méritait discussion, mais elle n’a pas eu lieu faute de moyens »
1er avril 2020, France Culture
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Alors que le coronavirus se répand comme une traînée de poudre dans le monde, les États s’organisent pour face à la pandémie. A l’échelle internationale, la solidarité entre États est mise à rude épreuve. Comment apporter une réponse globalisée et coordonnée à la gestion de cette crise ?
Force For Good Podcasts #2 – Alain Boinet, fondateur de Solidarités International
1er avril 2020, Force For Good
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Alain Boinet, fondateur de Solidarités International nous livre aujourd’hui son point de vue et ses recommandations solidaires sur la crise sanitaire du coronavirus.
Le Covid-19, catastrophe naturelle ? Entretien avec Sandrine Revet
Avril 2020, SciencesPo – CERI
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Propos recueillis par Miriam Périer – « Même si le virus est d’origine naturelle, cette pandémie n’est pas plus « naturelle » que les catastrophes provoquées par des tsunamis, des ouragans ou des inondations. Cela fait longtemps désormais que les sciences sociales ont permis de montrer que les catastrophes se produisent quand un phénomène, qui peut être d’origine naturelle ou technologique, rencontre une société rendue vulnérable par des décisions politiques, des choix économiques ou des formes d’organisation sociale. »
Global Health Advocates’ Statement on the COVID-19 outbreak
April 2020, CERAH
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Global Health Advocates France (GHA) stands with the victims of COVID-19 and their families worldwide. During this difficult period, GHA’s team is working full time from home and adapting its advocacy efforts to the current context. As a civil society organisation, we are worried about the immediate humanitarian impact in hardest hit parts of the world and are evaluating the longer-term impact of existing health, development and research policies. Taking into account COVID-19’s comorbidity with other diseases, it disproportionately impacts those who are most vulnerable: the elderly, the homeless, prisoners, migrants denied access to healthcare, and those with existing health conditions such as high blood pressure, or weak immune system because of malnutrition, HIV and tuberculosis. The pandemic requires a robust and all-encompassing public health response from governments that, first and foremost, focuses on the implementation of effective epidemic control measures to slow down or halt the further spread of the virus.
Analytical Brief: Africa at Risk? The Global Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
April 2020, Bulletin FrancoPaix, Chaire Raoul-Dandurand
Only available in English
Jens Pedersen – Since the global spread of SARS-Cov-2, the virus causing COVID-19 disease, has grown into a global pandemic, media has not been short on commentary of just what this may mean for the future of our global order. These have differed from obituaries of globalization1, to questioning the future of multilateral institutions2, to the virus being “the great equalizer.”3 Rather than speculative attempts to predict global political and economic consequences in the midst of a pandemic without any fixed timeframe, we should focus on what it reveals about the global order as it currently stands.
Between COVID-19 and humanitarian crises: which one to choose?
Prof. Karl Blanchet, Member of Humanitarian Alternatives‘ Scientific Council, Director of CERAH & Co-director of InZone
April 2020, CERAH
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It is obvious that responding to the COVID-19 pandemic is the key priority for all governments in the world. This week, more than 5,880 cases have been confirmed in Africa but we all think, as well as Dr Tedros, General Director at the World Health Organisation, that this figure does not represent the reality on the ground due to the fact that the number of cases will be under reported because there is no systematic testing of suspected cases.
COVID-19 guidance based on humanitarian standards
April 2020, SPHERE
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The Sphere Handbook and the other Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSP) initiatives offer guidance on the minimum response all crisis-affected people have the right to expect. They establish what needs to be in place for affected populations to survive and recover with dignity.
In this page, you will be able to find Sphere and its partners’ guidance on the COVID-19 response in multiple languages (below), additional resources based on humanitarian standards, and information on upcoming learning events.
COVID-19 pandemic: Solthis calls for the mobilization of financial and technical actors for sub-Saharan Africa
31 March 2020, Solthis
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Contributing to the prevention, diagnosis and management of cases of COVID19, to the protection of health professionals and to promote the continuity of access to essential healthcare services: Solthis wishes to carry out these actions, but will not be able to do so without the support of the international community.
Malgré l’épidémie de Covid-19, une ONG annonce la reprise imminente des opérations de secours de migrants en Méditerranée
31 mars 2020, FranceInfo
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Le bateau humanitaire “Alan Kurdi” sera le seul à opérer au large de la Libye, en raison de la pandémie de coronavirus.
À Gaza, l’épidémie de Covid-19 s’ajoute à la crise humanitaire
31 Mars 2020, Euronews
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Dans la bande de Gaza, l’épidémie de Covid-19 pourrait conduire à une catastrophe, craignent des organisations humanitaires.
Covid-19, une chambre d’urgence made in Afrique
30 mars 2020, MondAfrique
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La Chambre d’Urgence Bio-Sécurisée pour épidémies (CUBE) a été inventée pendant l’épidémie Ebola en Afrique de l’Ouest par l’ONG ALIMA et son partenaire Sécurotec, société spécialisée dans le risque nucléaire, chimique et bactériologique.
COVID-19: When history has no lessons
30 March 2020, History Workshop
Only available in English
This piece is part of HWO’s feature on ‘Apocalypse Then and Now’. The feature brings together radical reflections and historic perspectives on catastrophe and calamity. How have crises (both real and imagined), and responses to them, shaped our world?
Épidémies, pandémies et enjeux humanitaires:leçons tirées de quelques crises sanitaires
29 mars 2020, Groupe URD
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Depuis plus de 20 ans, le Groupe URD évalue des réponses humanitaires et des gestions de crise qui ont presque toujours une composante « santé ». Dans tous ces contextes, de l’Afghanistan à la Colombie en passant par le Moyen-Orient l’Afrique et les Caraïbes, nous avons ainsi observé comment les systèmes de santé réagissaient aux crises, avec d’un côté la médecine de guerre et de catastrophe1, de l’autre la santé publique classique2, et enfin la gestion des crises sanitaires majeures de type choléra et Ebola3. Nos travaux sur les effondrements, mis en exergue récemment dans notre revue Humanitaires en mouvement4, montrent combien il faut prendre au sérieux de telles crises sanitaires5 dont les effets transfrontaliers, voire globaux, peuvent être catastrophiques.
Dans le contexte de la pandémie COViD-19, nous avons donc décidé de réunir toutes les leçons tirées de nos travaux sur les crises sanitaires majeures et de produire le présent document de capitalisation.
« Il faut agir au plus vite si nous voulons éviter l’hécatombe en Afrique » : l’appel de Denis Mukwege, Prix Nobel de la paix
28 mars 2020, Le Monde
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Le gynécologue congolais, Prix Nobel de la paix, alerte sur l’urgence de la situation sanitaire pour le continent le plus pauvre de la planète.
Afrique de l’Ouest: se concentrer sur les plus vulnérables et tirer les leçons du passé
27 mars 2020, Médecins sans Frontières
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Aujourd’hui, sur 54 pays africains, 43 sont touchés par l’épidémie. En Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale le Burkina Faso, le Sénégal, le Cameroun, qui comptent les plus grands nombres de cas, ont déjà franchi le stade de transmission locale et sont différemment préparés à répondre. Le Dr Dorian Job, responsable des programmes Afrique de l’Ouest pour MSF, à Dakar, fait le point sur la situation et les priorités à ce stade.
L’ONU salue la proclamation de cessez-le-feu dans plusieurs pays en conflits
27 mars 2020, Le Temps
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Le mouvement général de cessez-le-feu – une mesure évoquée aux Philippines, au Cameroun, au Yémen et en Syrie – est en voie d’être soutenu par des résolutions au Conseil de sécurité et à l’Assemblée générale.
COVID-19 : « L’Afrique manque de moyens, mais a une expérience des épidémies »
27 mars 2020, We Demain
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Si l’Afrique manque de moyens financiers pour affronter la crise du coronavirus, elle bénéficie d’une certaine expérience dans la gestion des épidémies, analyse Jean-Théophile Banzouzi, directeur exécutif de l’ONG Médecins d’Afrique.
L’épopée Mérieux / Lapeyssonnie pour la vaccination « coup de poing » contre la méningite au Brésil en 1974
27 mars 2020, L’Humanitaire dans tous ses états
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Cette histoire n’a rien à voir avec l’actuelle pandémie de COVID-19 mais il y est pourtant question d’une lutte acharnée au dénouement extraordinaire, fruit d’un concours de circonstances.
En 1974, une épidémie foudroyante de méningite cérébrospinale frappe le Brésil. 4000 morts à São Paulo en quelques jours. Étrangement, la souche est de type A, de type africain. Elle est bien connue d’un médecin militaire français, grand épidémiologiste, coureur de brousse et pourfendeur de bureaucrates, Léon Lapeyssonnie (1915-2001). Fervent adepte du docteur Eugène Jamot (1876-1937), médecin colonial, vainqueur de la maladie du sommeil (Trypanosomiase) en Afrique Occidentale, Lapeyssonnie consacrera sa vie à la lutte contre la méningite, le choléra et la « trypano ».
« On a cru pouvoir éradiquer les maladies infectieuses mais c’était une chimère »
25 mars 2020, Le Temps
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Interviewé par le journal Le Temps, Rony Brauman s’exprime sur la pandémie de COVID-19. Il dénonce notamment le manque de préparation des systèmes de santé pour faire face à une telle crise sanitaire.
Augustin Augier : « On a besoin de tout le monde pour enrayer le coronavirus en Afrique »
25 Mars 2020, Les Echos
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Interviewé par les Echos Augustin Augier, Directeur de l’ONG Alima s’exprime sur l’arrivée de l’épidémie de COVID-19 en Afrique.
Entretien avec Nicolas Mouly – Responsable du service Urgences et ouvertures d’Alima
25 mars 2020, Alima
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Au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Fann à Dakar (Sénégal), les équipes d’ALIMA participent à la prise en charge des personnes affectées par le COVID-19. Nicolas Mouly, Responsable du Services des Urgences et Ouvertures d’ALIMA explique le circuit de tri des patients suspects.
L’ONU lance un plan mondial de réponse humanitaire à la pandémie COVID-19
25 mars 2020, Unicef
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Déclarations d’Henrietta Fore, directrice générale d’UNICEF et de Sébastien Lyon, directeur général d’UNICEF France.
En quelques mois seulement, le COVID-19 a bouleversé la vie des enfants du monde entier. Des centaines de millions d’entre eux ne sont pas scolarisés. Les parents et les personnes qui s’occupent des enfants ont perdu leur emploi. Les frontières ont été fermées. UNICEF à lui seul lance un appel de 405 millions de dollars US pour notre intervention dans les pays en situation d’urgence. Nous demandons également 246,6 millions de dollars supplémentaires pour notre intervention dans les pays non urgents. Notre appel total s’élève donc à 651,6 millions de dollars US.
Conséquences de la pandémie au COVID-19 pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et la Nutrition (SAN)
24 mars 2020, HLPE Groupe d’experts de haut niveau
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Compte tenu des délais très courts liés à la demande urgente du CSA, et du fait que la crise actuelle est d’une ampleur sans précédent, évoluant rapidement et avec de nombreuses inconnues, ce document doit être considéré comme un premier document de synthèse visant à informer le CSA des conséquences prévisibles du COVID-19 sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (SAN), tel qu’elles sont actuellement perçues par le HLPE. À la suite de la discussion avec le Bureau et le Groupe consultatif du CSA, le HLPE prévoit de nouvelles mises à jour de ce document à mesure de l’évolution de la situation, ainsi que l’intégration de cette question dans le prochain rapport du HLPE: «Sécurité alimentaire et nutrition: exposé des faits global à l’horizon 2030».
L’humanitaire face au coronavirus
24 mars 2020, Défis humanitaires
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Alain Boinet revient sur l’urgence sanitaire et humanitaire sans précédent. La priorité des organisations humanitaires internationales est d’identifier les pays, les territoires et les populations les plus vulnérables au virus. Au risque d’être réducteur, l’Afrique et les concentrations de réfugiés et de déplacés représentent la menace la plus élevée. Mais n’oublions pas l’Inde, le Pakistan, le Bangladesh et d’autres encore.
Coronavirus : L’Afrique, désormais touchée par la pandémie, risque d’avoir bien du mal à faire face
23 mars 2020, 20 Minutes
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Environ un millier de cas confirmés de COVID-19 sont répertoriés dans quarante pays d’Afrique. Longtemps épargnées par le coronavirus, ces populations risquent d’être durement touchées car leurs systèmes de santé et leurs États sont souvent fragiles. Deux spécialistes d’ONG présentes dans ces pays expliquent quels sont les défis de ces pays et combien la solidarité internationale sera importante dans les prochains jours.
Coronavirus: moins d’humanitaire, plus de politique!
23 mars 2020, Le Temps
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Nous devons sortir de la pensée humanitaire qui apporte avant tout des réponses techniques et repenser en des termes politiques le bien public, la solidarité et la justice sociale, écrit Julie Billaud, professeure adjointe d’anthropologie à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement
« Behind the headlines : How will COVID-19 impact crisis zones ?
20 mars 2020, The New Humanitarian
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Une conférence organisée par The New Humanitarian, avec la participation de :
- Jeremy Konyndyk – Seior Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development
- Suze van Meegen – Advocacy Manager, Norwegian refugee Council in Somalia
- Karl Blanchet – Director of the Centre for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action
- Virginie Lefèvre – Promgram and Partnerships Coordinator, Amel Association.
Un article de synthèse et d’analyse sera publié dans les prochains jours sur le site du The New Humanitarian.
La Fondation de la Croix-Rouge française s’engage face à l’épidémie de COVID-19
20 mars 2020, Fondation Croix-Rouge française
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L’apparition d’un nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19) en Chine toute fin 2019 et sa propagation mondiale ont conduit à une crise sanitaire mondiale inédite. Pour répondre à ce défi de santé publique mondiale, la Fondation Croix-Rouge s’engage et lance aujourd’hui un appel à candidatures pour une bourse postdoctorale de recherche.
Le virus et la Nation – regard historique sur la santé publique chinoise en temps de COVID-19
16 mars 2020, AOC Media
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Au moment où l’Europe est devenue l’épicentre de l’épidémie de COVID-19, le modèle autoritaire chinois est cité en exemple pour son efficacité dans la gestion de la crise. La forte soumission des institutions scientifiques au pouvoir politique s’inscrit dans la continuité des épidémies de SRAS et de H1N1, et plus largement d’une véritable politisation de la santé par le maoïsme. Ce qui suscite toutefois un refus croissant des acteurs de la santé publique.
History of Pandemics
14 mars 2020, Visual Capitalist
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Throughout history, as humans spread across the world, infectious diseases have been a constant companion. Even in this modern era, outbreaks are nearly constant. Here are some of history’s most deadly pandemics from the Antonine Plague to COVID-19.
Grèce. Les réfugié·e·s doivent de toute urgence être protégés de la pandémie de COVID-19
Mars 2020, Amnesty International
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Alors que le monde fait face à la crise de la pandémie de COVID-19, les risques pour les réfugié·e·s sur les îles grecques se multiplient à chaque instant. Des milliers de personnes âgées, de personnes souffrant de maladies chroniques, d’enfants, de femmes enceintes, de jeunes mères et de personnes souffrant d’un handicap y vivent dans des conditions de surpopulation dangereuses, et font maintenant également face à la menace de la pandémie de COVID-19, dont les conséquences seraient catastrophiques pour les personnes confinées dans des camps. En plus de protéger le reste de la population, le gouvernement grec doit immédiatement prendre des mesures pour protéger les réfugié·e·s de la pandémie et les conduire en lieu sûr.
« Ils ne mouraient pas tous, mais tous étaient frappés » Le Coronavirus révélateur des ambiguïtés de l’appréhension juridique de la vulnérabilité
Mars 2020, Revue des droits et libertés fondamentaux
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Communément employée désormais en sciences sociales et par le langage juridique, la vulnérabilité peut se définir comme l’état d’une personne qui, en raison d’un contexte donné, ne peut, en droit ou en fait, jouir de l’autonomie suffisante pour exercer pleinement ses droits fondamentaux. Ainsi définie, la vulnérabilité résulte d’une interaction qui entraîne une atteinte aux droits fondamentaux et justifie l’adoption de dispositifs protecteurs, afin de garantir, notamment, l’intégrité physique, la sécurité de la personne ou le respect du principe d’égalité. En d’autres termes, la vulnérabilité renvoie à un risque de fragilité ou de blessure causée par une situation relationnelle, qui nécessite une protection du droit.