Biographies of the Editorial board's members
Jean-François Corty is a doctor, anthropologist, and associate researcher at IRIS (Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques). He has been involved in humanitarian action for over twenty years, and worked for eight years with Médecins Sans Frontières, before taking up the position of Director of Operations at Médecins du Monde between 2009 and 2018, where he is now Vice-President. He is the author of several books, including Profession solidaire, chroniques de l’accueil (published in June 2020 by Steinkis/Les Escales), La France qui accueille (published in 2018 by Éditions de l’Atelier) and Pratique et éthique médicales à l’épreuve des politiques sécuritaires (co-edited by Sciences Po Les Presses in 2010).
Director of the H.I Impact, Information & Innovation division. Pierre is agronomist but was keen to enrich his curriculum with complementary training in management (IAE), epidemiology (CESAM) and strategic foresight (CNAM). During his 25-years experience in the humanitarian field, he held many technical (technical coordinator, Head of Knowledge Management division) and operational (geographical manager, mission director) positions for Action Against Hunger, Solidarités International and Humanity & Inclusion. This eclectic experience in humanitarian action has allowed him to better understand the specific constraints of the different positions, but also to underline the importance of cross-sectoral approaches.
Valérie Gorin has been a lecturer and researcher at the Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Studies, a joint centre of the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, since 2011. Since 2020, she has been responsible for the Master’s programme in continuing education in humanitarian action. A historian by training, she obtained her doctorate in Communication Sciences from the University of Geneva in 2013. Her research interests focus on humanitarian history and communication, with an interest in the visual culture of international solidarity organisations and advocacy practices. Her recent publications focus on the links between emotions and images in communication (Making Humanitarian Crises: Emotions and Images in History, 2022) and inequalities in media representations of humanitarianism (Media Representations of Humanitarianism, in Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality, 2024).
Vincent Leger is a research officer at the French Red Cross Foundation. PhD in anthropology (University College London) and holder of a Master in demography (IDUP), he is responsible for monitoring and promoting research supported by the Foundation on humanitarian and social action.
Editor-in-chief of Humanitarian Alternatives, he manages and leads its editorial board. After studying law and legal anthropology, Boris Martin became involved in academic research, writing and humanitarian action. He was editor-in-chief of the review Humanitaire at Médecins du Monde from 2000 to 2015. He has published several books on humanitarian action, including La France de la solidarité (Cesno, 2002), Critique de la raison humanitaire (dir. with Karl Blanchet, preface by Rony Brauman), published by Le Cavalier Bleu in 2006 (translated into English by Columbia University Press/Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd in 2011 under the title Many Reasons to Intervene: French and British Approaches to Humanitarian Action) and L’adieu à l’humanitaire. Les ONG au défi de l’offensive néolibérale (Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer, 2015). He is also the author of stories (Chronique d’un monde disparu, 2008 and « C’est de Chine que je t’écris… », 2004) published by Le Seuil and short stories (Hong Kong, un parfum d’éternité, 2010) published by Elytis. His latest story – L’iconoclaste. L’histoire véritable d’Auguste François, consul, photographe, explorateur, misanthrope, incorruptible et ennemi des intrigants – was published in May 2014 by Éditions du Pacifique. In 2020, he wrote the biography of Médecins du Monde, La belle histoire.
Frédéric Meunier is the Director of Le Group’, a consultancy transformed into a cooperative and participative company (Scop) in 2024. He is also the coordinator of the RIACE France Endowment Fund. He has been involved in the national and international solidarity sector for over 25 years, working with UN organisations, non-governmental organisations and state cooperation agencies on international emergency and recovery programmes in Africa, Central America, the Middle East, Asia, and Central Asia. Co-founder of Le Group’ in 2014, he has carried out numerous research, support, and training projects in France and abroad on humanitarian issues, precariousness and the integration of new arrivals.
Stéphanie Stern is the Head of Learning and Knowledge Development at Action Against Hunger, France. After studying business at EDHEC, Stéphanie Stern worked for 15 years in communications and advertising. She then chose to put her expertise at the service of humanitarian action. After gaining a Master’s degree in humanitarian project management, she worked for Save the Children International as a strategic analyst, then for the think tank IRIS as a researcher on the development of the humanitarian system, before joining Action Against Hunger as head of learning and knowledge development. She works closely with Action Against Hunger’s research team to disseminate scientific findings and support their use by operational teams. She also works with teams in the field to document and capitalise on informal and local knowledge, so that it continually enriches the organisational knowledge of Action Against Hunger.
Biographies of the Orientation Council's members
Since 1 June 2024, Sandra Angèle has been Director of the Conference Centre Les Pensières. Her mission is to continue promoting exchanges and knowledge sharing, after spending nearly 6 years as International Course Project Manager in Mérieux Foundation’s Medical and Scientific Department. In collaboration with Course Directors and members of the Scientific Committees, she ensured the quality of the educational programmes and the organisation and smooth running of events such as the Advanced Course in Vaccinology (ADVAC), the Advanced Course in Diagnostics (ACDx) in France and French-speaking Africa and the Advanced Course in Epidemiology (EpiCourse).
Before joining the Mérieux Foundation, Sandra worked for 13 years at bioMérieux in the regulatory affairs department and global customer service. She managed a team of technical experts responsible for customer support, training in molecular biology products, and representing the voice of the customer in product development projects.
She has a PhD in human biology and carried out research activities for 5 years at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon.
Chairs the Task Force on Emergency and Post-Crisis that brings together leading French NGOs. Was former President, then CEO of MSF, and former Director General of Fondation de France. Currently manages FCHconseil, which supports associations and foundations in the implementation of their strategic plan, and their leaders in the growth and management of their organizations. Publications: Long Live Philanthropy, Social Engagement for Dummies.
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Yvan Conoir, MBA, MA, is MEAL Coordinator (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning) for Expertise France. He also teaches at Sciences Po Paris, Laval University (Quebec) and UPPA (Bayonne).
For over 30 years, Mr Conoir has worked as a humanitarian and programme manager for the United Nations, various INGOs, the private sector and currently for Expertise France.
He is the author of L’action humanitaire du Canada (PUL-2002), Faire la paix – concepts et pratiques de la consolidation de la paix (PUL-2005) and DDR – Désarmer, démobiliser et réintégrer – Défis humains, Enjeux globaux (PUL-2006). His latest book is published by Presses de l’Université Laval: Gestion de projets de développement international et d’action humanitaire (2016, 2021).
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Bruno-Georges David is currently President of the Association de Gestion du Lycée Français de Sofia in Bulgaria. He is a deputy member of the Board of Directors of the Fédération des associations de parents d’élèves des établissements d’enseignement français à l’étranger (FAPEE) and a member of the Conseil des affaires administratives et financières (CAAF) representing South Eastern Europe at the Agence pour l’Enseignement français à l’étranger (AEFE). Founder of the association Communication Sans Frontières, he is also a member of the Orientation Council of the Humanitarian Alternatives review. Bruno-Georges was Director of Communications and Development at Secours Islamique France. He held the same position at Action contre la Faim. He was head of the Social and Solidarity Economy Communication programme at the École des métiers de l’information (EMI). He headed the consultancy BDC M&A and was Associate Director at TBWA/Corporate, Managing Director of ABDC.EU and held various positions at Publicis: International Director, Deputy Worldwide Account Director, CEO and Chairman of Publicis Russia and CEO of Publicis Poland. He currently teaches at Paris 1 Sorbonne (CELSA) and Paris XII (UPEC) and at ESFAM (AUF in Bulgaria).
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Vincent Leger is a research officer at the French Red Cross Foundation. PhD in anthropology (University College London) and holder of a Master in demography (IDUP), he is responsible for monitoring and promoting research supported by the Foundation on humanitarian and social action.
Anne-Lise Lierville is Director of the Institute for operational ethics at Handicap International / Humanity and Inclusion. She joined the humanitarian sector in 2002, working for NGOs, international organisations, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Her career has also led her to work in psychiatry and the legal and medico-social sectors. She has a degree in History (Maîtrise) and International Law (Master’s), and a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) – with a major in applied ethics – from the Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique du Québec in Canada. Anne-Lise Lierville is a qualified member of the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights.
After studying business at the European Business Institute, law at the University of Paris X and working as an advertising executive for seven years, Thierry Mauricet co-founded the association Première Urgence in June 1992 to help the besieged population of Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina. From 1994 to 2011, he was the association’s CEO.
Since April 2011, he is the CEO of Première Urgence Internationale, an association resulting from the merger of the NGOs Première Urgence and Aide Médicale Internationale.
Première Urgence Internationale aims to provide integrated aid in the fields of health, food security, nutrition, rehabilitation and construction of infrastructure, access to water, hygiene and sanitation, economic recovery, education and protection, for populations affected by humanitarian crises.
Karine Meaux is an International aid & Emergencies program manager at the Fondation de France since September 2017. She initiates and coordinates the Fondation’s responses to the major emergencies, such as the Nepalese earthquake of 2015 and the Caribbean typhoons of 2017. She also contributes to various discussions on humanitarian issues. This job also includes a collaboration with the French NGO, CFSI, to promote the family farming in West Africa (Pafao), as well as a partnership with other foundations (Italian and American) to support the farmers’ organizations in the same area.
Previously, Karine practiced several positions in the national coordination of French NGOs, Coordination SUD, where she specifically tried to promote an enabling environment and better working conditions for every kind of international solidarity associations. Her education in humanitarian law, history and languages led her initially, from 2000, to work in different continents within the Caritas network. At the headquarter, as an Asia/Oceania project officer, a Tsunami coordinator and an international action/quality coordinator. On the field, on long term missions, in Kosovo (2000-2001), Sri Lanka (2006-2007) and Chad (2008-2009), mainly in post-emergency contexts, supporting local partners to face the challenges of camp management and local civil society strengthening.
Joël Weiler began working in the humanitarian sector in 1992. After graduating from Bioforce, he joined various NGOs, such as Enfants du Monde-Human Rights (EMDH) and Santé Mali Rhône-Alpes (SMARA), as Head of mission in the Darfur, Vietnam, Mali, Burkina Faso, South Sudan, and Madagascar.
After this experience in development and emergency programs, his career with Médecins du Monde began in November 2010 when he joined the association as General Coordinator. He held this a position for three years, during which he covered emergencies in Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Zimbabwe.
Upon his return to France at the end of 2013, he assumed the position of Crisis Manager and then Deputy Director of International Operations. He has been the Director General of the association since April 1, 2017.
Biographies of the Board of directors' members
Clara Egger is an Assistant Professor of Global Governance at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology from the Erasmus School of Behavioural and Social Sciences of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before this, she was an Assistant Professor of Globalization Studies and Humanitarian Action at the University of Groningen, where she also served as the Director of Studies of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in International Humanitarian Action (NOHA). She worked as a research coordinator for the Centre of Humanitarian Studies Geneva where she led the research aspects of the Humanitarian Encyclopedia project. Clara holds an MA degree in Political Science from Sciences Po Grenoble and a PhD in political science from the University Grenoble Alpes. Her research was awarded the French Red Cross Fund for the best research on humanitarian action and was shortlisted for the ECPR Jean Blondel PhD Prize for the best thesis in politics. She is Editor-in-chief of the Journal of International Humanitarian Action and a board member of Alternatives Humanitaires.
Anne-Lise Lierville is Director of the Institute for operational ethics at Handicap International / Humanity and Inclusion. She joined the humanitarian sector in 2002, working for NGOs, international organisations, and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Her career has also led her to work in psychiatry and the legal and medico-social sectors. She has a degree in History (Maîtrise) and International Law (Master’s), and a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) – with a major in applied ethics – from the Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique du Québec in Canada. Anne-Lise Lierville is a qualified member of the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights.
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He is the General Secretary of the One Sustainable Health for All Foundation, launched in June 2020 under the guardianship of the Bullukian Foundation (Lyon). He has been a member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) since May 2021 and chairs the Bioport association (humanitarian and solidarity logistics) and Earthwake (plastic recycling). He is a member of the think-tank Santé Mondiale 2030, the think-tank (Re) Sources (water and sanitation), the Board of Friendship (Bangladesh) and co-founder of the bilingual review Humanitarian Alternatives. He chaired the French Centre for Funds and Foundations (CFF) (2015-2022) and headed Fondation Mérieux (2007-2017) before becoming Director of Public Health at Institut Mérieux (2018-2020). Honorary Chairman of Action contre la Faim (ACF), an association which he chaired (2010/2013) and directed (2003/2006), after having been Director of the Institut Bioforce (1997/2002). He was a member of the Board of VOICE (European Network of professional humanitarian NGOs).
Dr Richardier co-founded Handicap International in 1982 to provide practical assistance to Cambodian refugees with disabilities and lacking specific care. He then coordinated the development of the Handicap International network in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States, which became a federation in 2009, of which he was Executive Director until 2014.
He then set up the Handicap International Foundation. He also helped launch the Humanitarian Alternatives review to encourage debate between practitioners and researchers in the human and social sciences on the issues facing humanitarian action.
He is a founding member of United Against Inhumanity (UAI).
Her commitment in the social non-profit sector began in Chile with the CONIN Foundation, which works in favour of child nutrition in disadvantaged and precarious sectors.
Some time after her arrival in France as a political refugee and settling in Lyon, it was quite natural for her to become involved alongside the founders of Handicap International, as head of accounting and financial management and then Director of Finance. Maria will work for Handicap International for 30 years until her retirement in 2017.
Holder in Chile of diplomas in Accountancy and Commercial Engineering, completed by a Master’s Degree in Economics and a DESS in Management Information Technology in France, she has put her skills and motivation to work in humanitarian action for the benefit of the most disadvantaged.
Her long experience in this sector has enabled her to understand the challenges and constraints of financial management of international solidarity organisations, a management that is torn between the search for efficiency demanded by funders and supervisory bodies, and on the other hand, action in the field at the service of the most underprivileged in countries below the poverty line and often in unstable contexts.
Jean-Christophe Rufin is a medical doctor and a writer. Starting with an essay (The Humanitarian Trap – Le Piège humanitaire –, 1986), he went into novel writing with the Abyssinian – L’Abyssin – in 1997, obtained the Goncourt prize in 2001 with Red Brazil – Rouge Brésil – and was elected to the French Academy in 2008. His writings have been translated into numerous languages. He accomplished his first humanitarian mission in Eritrea in 1976 and was, in particular, advisor to the Secretary of State for human rights (1986-1988), Cultural and cooperation Attaché in Brazil (1989-1990), Advisor to the minister of Defence (1993-1994) and French Ambassador to Senegal and Gambia (2007-2010). He has also been Vice-president of Médecins Sans Frontières (1991-1992) and President of Action against Hunger (2003-2006) being today its President of honour. As a member of the Action against Hunger Foundation, he is on the Steering Council of the Humanitarian Alternatives review.
Philippe Ryfman is a specialist in non-governmental and humanitarian issues on the international scene. A barrister at the Paris Bar, he is also an Honorary Professor and Research Fellow at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. His latest work, codirected with Sandra Szurek and Marina Eudes, is Droit et pratique de l’action humanitaire (Paris, LGDJ, 2019). He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the review Humanitarian Alternatives.
Audrey was involved in the creation of the Handicap International Foundation and the Vivre Debout Foundation and accompanied the founders of the Humanitarian Alternatives review from the early stages of the project. She was in charge of coordination and communications for the association Alternatives Humanitaires from 2014 to 2022 and is now a co-opted member of the Board of Directors. Audrey holds a master’s degree in “Theory and practice of human rights” from the Institut des droits de l’Homme in Lyon. She currently works at Amnesty International France where she coordinates the implementation of the organisation’s strategy.
Virginie has been involved in developmental aid and humanitarianism since her first professional experience with a local NGO in India. After eight years of managing international projects in biotechnology in the private sector in Germany, she shifted her focus towards the humanitarian sector as a volunteer activist for human rights with NGOs and social service organizations.
In 2004, she was put in charge of developing “business” partnerships with bureaus of the Handicap International (HI) network. In 2007, she joined the regional platform of Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where she headed the fundraising and partnerships department. Upon her return to France in 2011, she resumed her studies in political science. Her research on “image and international aid” led her to accept an assignment with the French Development Agency lasting several months. In 2013, with Jean-François Mattei, she helped in the creation and development of the French Red Cross Fund as General Delegate. Virginie was appointed Director of the French Red Cross Foundation for humanitarian and social research in 2018.
Virginie holds a Master’s degree in management from ESC Toulouse, a Master’s degree in political science from Panthéon-Sorbonne, and a degree in ethics from the Faculty of Medicine of Aix-Marseille University. She is a researcher and administrator of Handicap International France and a member of the board of Alternatives Humanitaires.
Joël Weiler began working in the humanitarian sector in 1992. After graduating from Bioforce, he joined various NGOs, such as Enfants du Monde-Human Rights (EMDH) and Santé Mali Rhône-Alpes (SMARA), as Head of mission in the Darfur, Vietnam, Mali, Burkina Faso, South Sudan, and Madagascar.
After this experience in development and emergency programs, his career with Médecins du Monde began in November 2010 when he joined the association as General Coordinator. He held this position for three years, during which he covered emergencies in Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Zimbabwe.
Upon his return to France at the end of 2013, he assumed the position of Crisis Manager and then Deputy Director of International Operations. He has been the Director General of Médecins du Monde since April 2017.
Biographies of the Scientific council's members
Director of the International Studies Institute of Montréal since March 2018, François Audet is also a professor at the School of Sciences and Management (ESG) of Quebec University in Montréal (UQAM) and is the Scientific Director of the Canadian Research Institute on Humanitarian Crisis and Action (OCCAH). He holds a doctorate from the National School of Public Administration (ENAP) of Quebec, which focuses on the decisional processes of international humanitarian organisations in accordance with the reinforcement of local capacities. Before embarking on an academic career, François Audet accumulated over fifteen years of experience in the humanitarian aid sector. His research interests focus on new practices in humanitarian relief, the effectiveness of humanitarian action towards refugees, and Canadian policies towards development assistance.
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Sophie Brière is a tenured professor in the Department of Management at the Faculty of Business at Université Laval. She earned a PhD at Quebec’s University of Public Administration (ENAP) and a post-doc at the University of Ottawa’s School of International Development and Global Studies. She is now the director of Institut EDI2 (equity, diversity, inclusion, intersection) at Université Laval. Sophie Brière is in charge of the Master’s programme in International Development and Humanitarian Action at the Faculty of Business Administration. Her classes and research focus primarily on equity, diversity, and inclusion in organisations in all sectors and in project management. She co-authored with Yves Poulin, Yvan Conoir, Stéphanie Maltais and Isabelle Auclair the book La gestion de projets de développement international et d’action humanitaire (Presses de l’Université Laval, 2nd edition, 2021). She is a member of the Scientific Council of Humanitarian Alternatives.
Yvan Conoir, MBA, MA, is MEAL Coordinator (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning) for Expertise France. He also teaches at Sciences Po Paris, Laval University (Quebec) and UPPA (Bayonne).
For over 30 years, Mr Conoir has worked as a humanitarian and programme manager for the United Nations, various INGOs, the private sector and currently for Expertise France.
He is the author of L’action humanitaire du Canada (PUL-2002), Faire la paix – concepts et pratiques de la consolidation de la paix (PUL-2005) and DDR – Désarmer, démobiliser et réintégrer – Défis humains, Enjeux globaux (PUL-2006). His latest book is published by Presses de l’Université Laval: Gestion de projets de développement international et d’action humanitaire (2016, 2021).
Dorothée Lintner is the General Manager of Bioforce. She holds a PhD in modern literature and began her professional career as a research lecturer in literature, first in Paris and then at Oxford. She then joined the private sector as Director of Education at ENGIE’s in-house university. Since the beginning of 2022, she has been running Bioforce, a non-profit organisation that has specialised in training humanitarian workers for 40 years.
Stéphanie Maltais is a doctoral student in International Development at the University of Ottawa and has a Master’s in Management of International Development and Humanitarian Action from Laval University in Quebec. She is a research assistant and teaches in both universities, all while remaining actively involved in Canadian NGOs. Her professional activities, mainly international in scope and focused on the Inuit communities in Northern Canada, led her to study more in depth the transition between humanitarianism and development, the resilience of populations, sustainability, and general health concerns.
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Dana Popescu-Jourdy is a lecturer at the Institute of Communication of the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and Head of the Master’s degree Communication, Humanitarian Aid and Solidarity.
She is a member of the Education, Cultures and Politics laboratory and is interested in the dynamics of public space in transition. Her research themes include the practices and discourses of the media and solidarity actors, as well as new forms of citizenship engagement and learning. She supports the development of action-research and multi-actor collaborative research projects.
She is the coordinator of the European consortium CODES – Communication, Diversity, Solidarity – , and also a member of several networks and research programs at the European and international level: RTV – Key Competences in Media Production for Radio, Film and Television, MEWEB – Media of East/West European border traffic in times of the Cold War, International Joint PhD in Social Representations, Culture and Communication.
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Stéphanie Tchiombiano holds degrees in Political Science and Public Health, and is an associate lecturer at the Political Science Department at Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. She is the co-director of studies for the “Développement et aide humanitaire” Master’s course. Stéphanie worked for over fifteen years in the health sector in West Africa. Her first post, lasting eight years, was as the representative of the French Red Cross (Niger, Togo, Mali, Chad and Burkina Faso). She was notably involved in setting up several outpatient treatment centres. She then worked as Head of Mission for the NGO Solthis in Niger, Mali and Guinea for eight years, during which she mainly worked on access to antiretroviral drugs for HIV-positive patients and on strengthening healthcare systems. Stéphanie then spent three years with FEI/Expertise France, coordinating the 5% AIDS, TB and Malaria Initiative. She now divides her time between university teaching and coordinating the Santé Mondiale 2030 ( think tank.