Resilience as a protection strategy in informal settlements
The city as a refuge or as a prison. Pablo Cortés Ferrández carried out a study in Altos de la Florida, an informal settlement in the municipality of Soacha in...
The city as a refuge or as a prison. Pablo Cortés Ferrández carried out a study in Altos de la Florida, an informal settlement in the municipality of Soacha in...
Health interventions typically favour pregnant women and children under 5 years of age. A prism that does not take into account other ever-growing vulnerable populations: the indigents and the elderly. The...
This article builds on the results of two studies: one carried out in the Far North region on the demographics of the people displaced by the Boko Haram crisis, and...
In light of a violence prevention programme for children and young people, the author challenges the traditional notions of victimhood and vulnerability. Agentivity and capacity for initiative are valued in...
Looking back on the seventh Scientific Day organised by Doctors of the World – France, the two authors discuss the ethical issues involved in research carried out in humanitarian contexts....
Based on testimonies gathered in different theatres of humanitarian operations, Jasmine-Kim Westendorf analyses the political, as well as the concrete, conditions that facilitate abuses. The author focuses on “transactional sex”,...
Published on October 18, 2017 ©Photo by Andrés Gerlotti on Unsplash As a result of her article on aid for refugees in Ecuador – which will be featured in the forthcoming...
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