A life of commitment alongside the “disenfranchised”

La dignité pour boussole. Un engagement avec ATD Quart Monde
Eugen Brand, interviews with Michel Sauquet
Éditions de l’Atelier/Éditions Quart Monde, 2020
(published in French)

Publisher’s note

What is the story of this man who carried the ATD Quart Monde mission, alongside others, for forty years, in the footsteps its founder, Joseph Wresinski?

Born in Switzerland, Eugen Brand first encountered the Movement at the age of 22 and became a permanent volunteer. He lived amongst families in great poverty and learned alongside them. This commitment would take him to Créteil, New York, Basel, Peru, Bolivia…

By way of these episodes in the life of Eugen Brand, his doubts and convictions, and his moments of companionship with Father Joseph, a history of the ATD Quart Monde is sketched out, in its trials and errors and its developments.

In this series of interviews, which would lead to a great friendship, Michel Sauquet and Eugen Brand exchange and share their experiences and questionings. Following Eugen Brand, this book enables us to understand and claim that the “disenfranchised” are the source and the motor of great transformations to be carried out within society.

Translated from the French by Juliet Powys

Eugen Brand was the General Delegate of ATD Quart Monde after the death of Joseph Wresinski, a responsibility which he constructed alongside others by seeking and learning to live, think and act in the Movement, both locally and globally.

Michel Sauquet is a writer and teacher. He has spent most of his professional life in the field of international and intercultural cooperation.

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