New technologies put to the test of humanitarian ethics
Danielle Tan and Pierre Gallien are members of the editorial board and co-editors of this issue’s Focus Innovation is not a new phenomenon for leading actors of international solidarity. A...
Danielle Tan and Pierre Gallien are members of the editorial board and co-editors of this issue’s Focus Innovation is not a new phenomenon for leading actors of international solidarity. A...
The first article of this Focus is feedback from a digital health project Terre des hommes has led for almost eight years. This timeframe makes it possible for the authors...
The resurgence of new technological tools requires humanitarian actors to take stock of their possibilities, applicability and interest for populations.
Applications of digital information communication technologies (ICTs) are now commonplace across the disaster response cycle. But some gaps leave a critical and emerging set of risk factors largely unaddressed in...
Integrating the use of new technologies within an NGO cannot be improvised. This is the key message Maëve de France and Nina-Flore Eissen pass on here. The two authors present...
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