Ukraine-Gaza: Exchange of views

Published on 29 April 2024.
The discussion took place on 4 April 2024, as an introduction to the Alternatives Humanitaires General Assembly.

The reason why these two conflicts are attracting so much international attention is because they undeniably mark a turning point that Humanitarian Alternatives felt duty-bound to analyse. A complex and ambitious issue of the review will be published in November. Complex, because both conflicts are ongoing. Ambitious, because the aim is to “examine the situation from different angles” and identify aspects in these very different and very distant conflicts that will allow us to gain a better understanding of precisely how they mark a turning point.

Rony Brauman and Jean-François Corty have agreed to co-edit this issue’s Focus. For the past few months they have been actively speaking out and analysing what is happening in Gaza, making their respective experiences invaluable for building this “analytical bridge” between the two conflicts.

Rony Brauman is a doctor, former president of Médecins sans Frontières, and Director of Studies at MSF-France’s Centre de réflexion sur l’action et les savoirs humanitaires. Jean-François Corty, also a doctor, is Vice President of Médecins du Monde, associate researcher at the Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS), and a member of the editorial board of Humanitarian Alternatives.

On 4 April, both answered questions put to them by Boris Martin, Editor-in-Chief of Humanitarian Alternatives. This was a two-part discussion, with the first part consisting of an overview of humanitarian action in Gaza and Ukraine, and the second focusing on the broader issues arising from these two conflicts. [in French only]


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